We ship orders by express shipping service (DHL Express or UPS). Orders are shipped within two days at the latest. Delivery time is 3 to 5 business days after your order has been shipped, depending on your location.
For other questions about shipping, you can send us a message on our contact page.
Refund Policy
Our return policy is valid for 30 days from the delivery date. If you are not satisfied with the product or if the color does not match, please contact us for a refund.
Color Match
If the return period has passed and there is a problem with color matching. Send a photo showing the color you purchased and your car’s color label. The photos you have sent will be reviewed by our production team and a positive or negative decision will be made for the refund.
Contacting us
If you would like to contact us concerning any matter relating to this Refund Policy, you may do so via the contact form or send an email to [email protected]